Hurray - the sun's shining! What a brilliant change from yesterday's grey, gloomy weather...
It probably won't last long though, so now's the time to get your waterproof dog coats (just check out yesterday's blog entry). We've just placed an order from MySassyDog for some new rainproof coats with removable fleeces.
These are really good-quality jackets that will last forever and keep your dog warm and dry. If you have a short-haired dog that hates going potty in the rain, they are essential. Our chihuahua, Mika, refuses to step outside when it's wet.
The MySassyDog coats come in army green, yellow, red & black (only in a few sizes left in black). Let us know if there's a specific size or colour you'd like so we can make sure we stock it.
We've also placed an order from New York designer Hip Doggie, which designs clothing for celebrity's dogs. They've got some awesome, warm, fuzzy hoodies and cute rain parkas.
All of our new stock should be arriving within the next two weeks. More on that later!
Also coming up ... a few Halloween parties we'd like to promote. First of all, we'll be hosting a Howl'aween costume party here at the daycare for customer's dogs only on Friday, Oct. 30th, with lots of spooky photos...
If you're looking for a Saturday party to show off your dog's costumes, there are a couple of big events coming up, hosted by Three Dog Bakery.
The first is being held at their new location in Port Moody on Saturday, Oct. 24th, and the second is held at their Vancouver location on Sat, Oct. 31st. We'll have more info on all these Halloween parties in the weeks to come.
And now for today's blog:
We'd like to welcome Taylor (Corgi, pictured above) to the pack! He's a super friendly, happy puppy, who's been running around all morning, making lots of new friends.
We have 30 dogs here right now in daycare, so busy, busy! It's a really good pack - everyone's getting along fabulously. There are lots of little groups of dogs wrestling on the dog beds, playing chase, mingling nicely.
* Pictured right: Check out Bently's adorable bow-tie. He's been super playful today, chasing after Scruffles and Daisy, and wrestling with Katie (Sheltie).
As of 11 a.m., they're still full of energy and having a blast. We'll start lunches in about an hour, but there are lots of feedings today, so check back for an update after 2 p.m.
* Actually, Bella's been super playful today, rolling around with Daisy & Scruffles.
* Pictured left: Spike, LG, Tuka & Katie. Tuka and Katie are good buddies, always hanging out together, touching noses... awwww...
What else is going on? Well, there's too much to write about today, so I'll just mention a few of the games I've witnessed this morning:
* Scooby (Am'n cocker spaniel) playing tug-of-war with Rupert. Scooby's in the Spaw right now, getting a hair cut.
* The Maltese puppies playing a gentle ruff-'n-tumble game all over the dog beds. Muggles, Zipper & Sprokette have had their baths and are getting groomed in the Spaw... they look all fluffy and white right now.
* Pictured left: Theodore with his girlfriend Katie.
* Nikko (poodle) has been blasting around with Henna, Taylor & Heidi. He just loves to play and has lots of friends here.
* Cookie & Donut (pomeranians) are hanging out with Bailey (Yorkie-cross) & Charlie (Pom-cross) right now, who just arrived. Donut is pretty shy but Katie came up to her and gave her a warm welcome & sniff, making her feel more comfortable. Now they're friends. :-)
* Sebastian is being very cuddly and affectionate today with us humans, and Buttons just gobbled up her lunch with MUCH excitement.
Did your dog eat?
- Scooby: Ate all his lunch
- Rupert: Ate a bit
- Talula: Nothing today
- Buttons: Do i need to write it : )
- Muggles: Ate
- Zipper: Ate aswell
- Sprockette: Yeps
- Sebastian: Not today
- Theodore: Ate it up
- Henna: Very hungry
- Taylor: Not today
- Scruffles: Ate
- Bella: Everything
- Daisy: Everything aswell
- Ozzy: Ate 1/2
- Nikko: Ate it all
- Heidi: Ate everything
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