Pictured above: Paris, Mika & Dawson ... a bundle of chihuahua love.
And below: Awesome posing today from everyone. All the dogs lined up in a row, looking straight at the camera. Believe us, it wasn't easy. They didn't want to sit still today. Playtime! Playtime!
* Pictured left: Molly playing tug-of-war with Gus, and Jude in the background watching on.
* Chili (chi-shihtzu) is a fairly new dog. He's gaining confidence each time he comes, and today was playing with Molly and Sasha (Papillon). Sasha's new friend!
* As I said earlier, the dogs have been playing non-stop all morning. Frankie, Molly, Jude and Gus have a little pack going, wrestling away and playing tug of war. Emmi has also been chasing Gus, and playing with Henna.
* Henna, Dempster, Theodore, Spike & LG have been chasing after the ball. Spike & LG have also been wrestling with Heidi and chasing Frankie around. LG actually got a little excited today and had to be put in time out for a few mins.
* Heidi's also been playing with Jones... and, well, pretty much everyone. Both Heidi and Jones are little socialites.
* Pictured left: Dempster's got the ball!
* Theodore's been playing ball too, and he's also been playing tug of war with Gus (American cocker spaniel) and Henna (Boston Terrier). Pretty funny because he's so much smaller than them!
* Dawson has been playing with Sebastian, Mika, Paris & Molly. This is Paris's second day at daycare and she's made lots of new friends!
* Buttons's best friends here are our two: Mika and Lexy, and little Dawson. Yesterday, Bailey (Yorkie-chi) was soooo excited to see her, and kept trying to play with her. Buttons doesn't mind little Bailey but plays it cool. Very cute.
Last photo of the day: love this shot below of Peanut & Emmi.
Did your dog eat?
* Buttons ate all her lunch. She loved it, of course!
* Dawson ate all her lunch. She has a very good appetite for such a tiny dog.
* Frankie gobbled up all his lunch, as always.
* Jude ate most of his kibble.
* Dempster ate all.
* Paris ate lots.
* Heidi ate all.
* Sebastian wasn't hungry.
* Theodore ate lunch.
* Max ate lunch, too.
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