All the raincoats are coming out of the closet this morning... both for humans and dogs. As you can see above, Ozzy is looking very stylish in his yellow MySassyDog waterproof coat (they're really good quality jackets, with fleece linings).
He's posing next to our Small Paws rainy day mascot, Rover, also wearing a yellow raincoat.
Our two dogs HATE the wet and Mika won't even go out unless she has a hoodie or jacket on. I took them out with Emma (miniature dachshound) this morning, who also had a little rainproof coat.
The morning walks have been done and lunches are being fed. Scroll down to the end of the blog to see if your dog ate.
* Pictured right: Dawson (chi) pins down Molly (Min Pin-cross), play-growling... showing her tough side!
* Here's a cute photo below of Rico (pug-cross) next to Dawson and her big buddy, Gus (American cocker spaniel).
* Jasper and Casper (Coton de Tulear) have been joinin
g in the chase game too, and right now are racing around the back ramps with Rico.
* Pictured left: Dawson paws Gus's face. Pictured right: Molly wrestling Winston.
What else has been going on?
* Rupert (Maltese puppy) has been very playful this morning, as always, chasing around anyone who'll wrestle with him (especially Dawson, Henna and Winston).
* Speaking of Snuggles, she's sure settling in here. She's feeling much more confident lately and has made some new friends - especially Rupert and Dawson. She follows Dawson everywhere... :-)
* Rupert's new buddy is Max (Yorkie). As soon as Max arrived, the Maltese pup started pouncing on him, trying to get him to play. Sure enough, the two have become friends.
* Ozzy has also been playing lots with Gus and Henna, and is curled up next to Dawson right now.
* Maggie (Cairns Terrier, pictured right) has been playing wrestle with Rico.
* Sebastian (miniature poodle, pictured below left) went straight up to Dawson when he arrived to start playing.
Did your dog eat?
(Give you a hint... everyone was hungry today)
* Buttons ate all her lunch. * Molly ate all her breakfast.
* Rupert ate lunch.
* Rico ate all his lunch.
* Jasper and Casper ate all their lunch.
* Gus ate all his lunch.
* Dawson ate all her lunch.
* Sebastian ate all.
* Ozzy ate half his kibble.
* Max ate lunch.
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