It can be hard to give these little dogs the socialization they need with other dogs because they often freeze up at a dog park, being surrounded by bigger dogs. So we're really happy with her progress so far. Plus, she's adorable!
Here's today's group photo. Check out Paris sitting with Mika (chi) on the black camping chair. We also have two other chihuahua puppies here today: Umber & Dawson. Paris especially likes Dawson and Molly.
So the morning walks have been done and lunches fed. What a gorgeous day out there!
Here's a couple more fab photos:
What else has been going on today?
* Marley (Havanese) has been playing with her buds, Spike & LG.
* Rico (pug-cross) has been chasing Jude (puggle) and wrestling Molly.
* Pictured left: Henna's breakdancing!
* Right now, Theodore (Yorkie) is wrestling Rico and Umber at the same time. He was also playing tug of war with LG earlier. Sheraz (miniature shnauzer) is in there too, more as an observer, watching with fascination.
* Pictured left: Mika (Maltese) and Umber sitting pretty on the pink chair. Umber is Mika's new best friend - they were playing this morning.
* Sebastian (miniature poodle) has been doing some good playing today. He looooves Dawson, of course, and always nuzzles her affectionately. He's also been chasing Jude and Molly around.
* Henna (Boston Terrier) has been playing lots with Dempster (American cocker spaniel). Dempster also likes Molly. He's becoming a little lady's man!
* Emma (miniature dachshund) was happy to come in and see all her friends. Lexy and Mika (chi) loooove her. Dawson curled up next to Emma for a cuddle.
* Pictured left: Molly & Dempster playing tug of war.
* Enid (Jack Russell) sure is curious when new dogs arrive in the pack. She's been following Paris around, introducing her to everyone. Buttons (cockapoo) was really curious too. She likes the little puppy.
Did your dog eat?
* Sheraz ate brekky.
* Mika (Maltese) ate a little bit of her lunch.
* Dempster ate all of his breakfast & lunch.
* Buttons ate all her lunch.
* Rico ate lunch.
* Dawson ate all.
* Molly ate all.
* Theodore wasn't hungry.
* Max wasn't hungry.
* Sebastian wasn't hungry.
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