Rocco's the new brother of Bella (Maltese). Here's an "after" shot of Rocco, to the right, after his groom.
We sure have a lot of Maltese puppies in here today: Rocco, Rupert, Muggles, Zipper & Sprokette! All of them are probably under five pounds and little balls of white fur. They've got a playful little pack going on.
It's been raining on and off all morning, so the walks were a little soggy, to say the least. Thank goodness for indoor dog daycares - everyone's nice and dry inside.
* Enid's a Jack Russell. This is a funny pic to the left of Angie holding Enid. Enid looooves Angie and keeps jumping on her lap to give her kisses!
* It's Rupert and Talula's second day of daycare. Rupert is having a blast, especially with Rocco, and Talula is getting more confident. She's been going up to other dogs and sniffing hello.
* Rico (pug cross) has been playing chase with Gus (American cocker spaniel), Jasper & Casper. They've been running fast, all over the red ramps in the back room. Jasper has also been wrestling with little Muggles, the Maltese pup, and Casper really likes Gus, Muggles & Rupert.
Here's a cute photo of Rico and Dawson:
* Dawson loves Rico, and has also been playing lots with Zipper (Maltese) and Mika (chi).
* Henna (Boston Terrier) made a new friend today - Gus! The two of them have been chasing each other around. She also really likes Dempster (another American cocker spaniel). These three get along fang-tabulously. Dempster also likes playing with Zipper.
* In the far left photo, we have Sheraz (miniature shnauzer), Rico & Cookie (pomeranian).
* Pictured right: Donut (pom). I love this photo!
* Cookie and Donut (pomeranians) are getting a lot more playful lately. Cookie was playing with Muggles earlier, and Donut was playing with Rupert. Yay!
* Pictured left: You guys remember Leroy? He stayed with us for boarding a couple of months ago. Well he's back, tail wagging and all excited, for an appointment with Maori, our fabulous groomer. This is a "before" shot, to the left. And an "after" shot, to the right!
Did your dog eat?
* Muggles, Zipper & Sprokette ate their breakfast and lunch.
* Buttons ate all her lunch.
* Rocco ate his lunch.
* Rupert ate lunch.
* Rico ate.
* Jasper and Casper ate all their lunch.
* Dawson ate all.
* Gus ate all.
* Bella (chi) ate.
* Dempster ate all his lunch.
* We will feed Cookie & Donut at dinner time.
* Bella (Maltese) only ate a couple pieces of kibble, but ate her treats.
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