Thank goodness we bought a 2nd air conditioning unit recently - we've got the two of them cranking. Yesterday was the hottest day in Vancouver's history, but it was pleasantly cool in here.
We've been starting the morning walks really early because of the heat, and the afternoon walks are more like quick potty breaks. It's just too hard on the littl'uns to be outside right now.
They've been chasing each other around all morning, and right now Pat is feeding lunches. Scroll down to see what your dog has been up to so far (note there are two Ozzy's, two Maximus's and two Spike's here).
* All the dogs would like to say a big THANK YOU to Buttons and her lovely family for bringing them some new (organic) squeaky toys to play with. Oh boy, they're a hit! Buttons didn't want to walk far this morning (too warm). She's been chilling out with Maximus (black terrier), Mico (shih tzu) and Snoopy.
* Right now, Dawson is playing with Ozzy (Min Pin), Henrik (chi), and Muggles and Zipper (Maltese). They're in the small room, hanging out with Emma (miniature dachshund). Emma really likes Henrik - they were doing a little play-chase game. Our two dogs, Mika and Lexy, are also in there.
* Now we'd like to introduce four new faces to the pack. Pictured above from left to right are: Pozi (Maltese), Juno (chi), Donut (Pomeranian) and Cookie (Pom). They're all doing great and making lots of new friends. Pozi (pictured
right) is 1 1/2 years old and this is his first day so he's doing brilliantly so far, playing with Leroy (Cairns Terrier-mix) and getting along great with everyone.
* Cookie and Donut (pictured left) have been here for grooming before, and have mingled with some of the dogs before after getting their hair done in the Spaw. On their first day they were a little nervous, but they sure are doing better today!
* Scooby (American cocker spaniel) has been chasing after the ball and playing with Maximus (Yorkie - pictured right with Henrik). Spike (Yorkie) and LG (Yorkie-cross) have also been zipping after the ball, and also chasing Jones and Ozzy. LG entertained us again today by chasing his tail.
* Buttons ate all her lunch.
* Snoopy ate all of his lunch.
* Dawson ate all.
* Ozzy ate about half.
* Muggles (pictured left) and Zipper ate their lunch.
* Danger ate. He's nearly out of food now though so please bring some more next time.
* Maximus (Yorkie) wasn't hungry for lunch.
* We'll feed Cookie & Donut at dinner time.
* We'll also feed Spike, Diamond & Leroy at dinner time.
And now, for the class photo of Thursday, July 30:
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