Zipper is Muggles' (pictured right) new sister, and today is her first day at daycare. We love their matching t-shirts! Both puppies are Maltese, from the same litter.
* Little Zipper has been very courageous, running around with all the dogs and climbing all over her brother. She's been playing with Danger (another Maltese puppy), Yuki (Papillon) and Ozzy (Min Pin). Ozzy's girlfriend Dawson isn't here today, so he's entertaining himself with the two mini-dogs, Zipper and Muggles.
* Muggles has been chasing LG and Pepe (Havanese), wrestling Yuki on the dog bed, rolling all over it, and pulling his 'lil sis around by her shirt, showing her around his stomping grounds. Zipper also ran up to Buttons (cockapoo - pictured left), the queen bee here, and smothered her in kisses. Awww...
* Jasper and Casper have been right in there, too, running after the ball and chasing Spike, LG and Marley all over the ramps. LG has also been playing with Muggles and Jude. Jasper sure was curious about the new
girl, Zipper, playing a cute pouncing/frolicking game.
* Peekay (Yorkie) is staying with us for boarding. He's been a very good boy, making lots of new friends at the daycare, and chilling with us at night. He didn't eat much the first couple of days but has settled in and is eating now. He says a big "HI!" to his parents. :-)
* Pictured left: Yuki & Buttons in foreground, Spike in the background.
* Emma (miniature dachshund) is hanging out in the small room with her buddies, Mika and Lexy. We've been adding other dogs (Bobo and Danger) into there to keep her company, too. Her back seems to be getting much better.
Pictured left: Jude and Zipper, getting friendly. Jude has also been playing wrestle with Yuki, and running around the ramps with the Spike-LG-Jasper-Casper crowd.
Did your dog eat?
* Peekay ate breakfast.
* Yuki didn't eat breakfast, but gobbled up his kibble for lunch.
* Buttons ate all her lunch.
* Jasper and Casper ate all their lunch.
* Muggles ate lunch.
* Zipper ate.
* Ozzy ate about half.
* Danger ate a little bit.
And here's the class photo from today:
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