Why is it an exciting day, you ask? Well, for one, our unborn baby is on the front page of The Vancouver Sun. I wrote an article about the 3D ultrasound we had done recently, which you can read at (FYI: Holloway is my maiden name):
Feel free to leave your comments at the end of the story.
And of course, it's an exciting day for the little doggies here. A new dog called Teko just arrived, and everyone's been happily greeting him hello. Here's what's been going on:
* Bechler (Boston Terrier - pictured left) has been zooming around the place with Heidi (shnoodle), Jasper and Casper (Coton de Tulear), Spike (Yorkie) and LG (Yorkie-cross). They've been blasting around on
the ramps and tackling Bechler. Jasper has also been playing with Muggles (Maltese pup). This pack has had a lot of energy this morning, running around!
* Pictured right: Spike & LG. Pictured left: Muggles.
* It's great to see Heidi again - she's had some time off with her mom on holiday. She's been making up for lost time, wrestling Ozzy (Min Pin) and chasing the high-energy dogs around the ramps.
* Pictured right: Muggles wrestling Yuki.
* Teko (King Charles), the new dog, did a couple of barks when his mom left, but he's calmed down and is mingling with the other dogs. He likes Heidi and Ozzy but gets along with everyone. He's been doing lots of exploring and sniffing around.
* Little Muggles doesn't realize his tiny size (LOL!). He's not afraid to chase tail with the "big" kids, like Bechler. He's been doing lots of wrestling with Yuki (Papillon) this morning. Yuki was barking at birds on his walk. Bobo (maltipoo) has also been playing with these two, plus Danger.
* Pictured left: Yuki tries to eat the indestructable rubber ball.
* Emma (dachshund) is in the small room with Mika and Lexy. We added Teko and Bobo in there for a while, too, to give her some new buddies to socialize with. Buttons (cockapoo) is also have a nice day, chilling out in her usual spot. Lexy looooves her and gave her lots of kisses when she arrived.
Did your dog eat?
* Tonka ate all his lunch.
* Buttons ate all her lunch.
* Jasper and Casper ate all.
* Yuki didn't eat breakfast, but ate his kibble for lunch.
* Muggles ate lunch.
* Danger ate lunch.
* Bobo ate all.
* Heidi ate all.
* Ozzy ate about half his container for lunch.
Pictured below: Teko!
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