Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Yappy Bark Day Rose : )

What a nice Long Weekend..!
 I'm sure everyone enjoyed that extra day off : )
But now it's back to the grind, which is also good cause we
have some photo's to share WooHoo...

Crack out the Party Poppers and Balloons
Rose turns ONE..... Yap Yap Hurrah.....
Here's her Delicious cake that all the puppies got
a little taste of Yum Yum

O Boy Rose sure did like her cake : )

Linus and Chopper
Your my Bestest friend in the hole world :  )

Here's Molly and Hugo having a playful Rumble..!
"Initiate Octopus Tentacle attack"

Poor Rope it's not going to last one day..!
Humph : (

Andy and Rose
"Hey it's my Barkday you have to let me win"

I surrender..! Have Mercy on a poor little Rope..!

I seem to be in a little Pickles : )

Here's Rupert and Ruby
Gee I wonder who wants a Belly Scratch

Party Photo
Yappy Bark Day Rose from everyone
@ Small Paws

Check back later

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