Thursday, August 12, 2010

Small Paws: Where You Can Have Your Cake, and Eat It, Too!

 When Marie Antoinette said to "let them eat cake",
was she referring to the dogs of Small Paws?
Today - a gorgeous Thursday - we introduced
some new culinary-themed chewtoys,
which received five tail wags for fun from all of the pups.

Guilty Pleasure:
Ozzy & Molly sneak some time with some delicious pupcake toys.
"Carbs--a dog's best friend!"

Checking out the New Kid in Class:
Dempster & Molly think there's something off about the latest member of Small Paws.
"He seems a little quiet, if you ask me...a little stuffy, really."

How to Cut Your Heating Costs in Half!
Molly and Rocco help Molly the Puggle stay warm in the air-conditioned indoors:
"Who needs the Snuggie or the Slanket? It's all about canine comforters."

Speaking of canine comfort:
Is there anything more reassuring or adorable than this?
Ozzy and Rose turrn up the cute factor in this photo of naptime.

Dempster shows everyone his best impression of Godzilla.
"Now I just need an agent--Hollywood, here I come!"

It's No Laughing Matter:
Or is it? Molly and Rocco share a guffaw over their
favourite springy toy.

The Dogfathers:
Ozzy, Snuggles, and Andy share a clandestine meeting about
bones, babes, and business.

Dog Days of Summer:
Molly O & Molly M chill out after a round of playing.
"Lean back, and let it all go, gals!"

The Curious Case of the Pupcake:
Ruby & Molly explore a pastry-based toy.
" LOOKS like a treat..."

Dempster & Molly give an old saying a new twist:
Don't forget to stop and EAT the flowers!

And last, but never least, the class photo!


Ozzy: All
Andy: All
Dempster: All
MollyO: All
Rose: All
Rocco: All (Needs more Food)


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