Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Rain Rain Rain
Well it's a little different from yesterday... Gulp
Please don't go away just yet sun it's too soon... Nooooooooo
Let's have a look at what's been happening..?

Rocco, Scooby, Hailey and Ozzy
"It's defiantly not picnic weather guys"..?

Ruby and Jasmine
give each other an Eskimo Kiss..! Awwhhh

Here's Mika and Karmel
Two of the cutest Chihuahua's ever : )
"We're totally not Byist"

Belly Rub Belly Rub : )

Alright here's a comp for best and biggest tongue
"If ya got flaunt it"



Here's Rope ..?
I mean Rose..?

Bella, Jasmine, Ruby and Bennett
"If fun could talk it would say I want these guys on my team"

Group Photo Time

Lunches : )

Hailey: All
Karmel: Ate
Rocco: All
Ozzy: Most
Leo: Not today
Stanley: All
Rose: None but gladly would eat someone else's

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Sunshine

Sunshine Sunshine Sunshine
We hope everyone had a nice weekend but it's back to it which
 means there's some photos to see. Check them out : )

Looks like Molly's going after Nigel's job... LoL

 Here's Lincoln with some
 cuddly little Puppies : )

Scruffles and Rose

Ozzy explores the deep Tunnels
of Small Paws..!

Hoover likes to clean up..!
Sorry bad joke LoL 

Molly and Rose
Mine Mine Mine

"Let's order Pizza"

"We always new it"

O Boy I love my cloak of Invisibility

Class Photo
Smile : )

Who's Hungry..?

Ozzy: All
Molly: Most
Rocco: A little
Rose: Needs food
Heidi: All
Nikko: Most

Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Barkday Bechler

WooHoo Friday is here at last : )
I bet everyone has some super fun stuff planned..!
Or maybe just do nothing at all...
Well let's get to it and see some pics

Happy Barkday Bechler
He turns 3 today. Wow your such a big boy : )

Will you do it for a Scooby Snack..?

I can't talk because my tongue is in a knot : )

Anyone want to go to the club tonight to see
 my sweet break dancin..?

"And in the left corner"
Bechler and Beezuzu get it on..!

Lexy here..!
Anyone for a quick dip..?

Fiddi takes 5

"I love you Winston"

Have a grrreat Weekend Everyone : )

Check back later for Lunches

Check it Out...!
Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) is coming to Vancouver
 to do a live show..!
For more info check out the Link

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What's Your Dogbook Status?

Ah, social networking: the non-creepy way to delve into the lives of others.
After scoping out the dogbook pages of our canine clientele,
we stumbled upon some photos and status updates
that range from adorable to the outrageous.
Which reminds me: I think it's time to set my facebook settings to private ;)

Sheraz: Totally hating this gloomy weather!!!
Whatevs--just means more time for me to flip through my mags, lol.
-You, Small Paws, and 3 others like this.

Beezuzu: Zomg, new profile pic, every1!
First day @ Small Paws, too! :)
-Ruby likes this.

Andy: likes jars of peanut butter.
Lincoln: ...dislikes not having opposable thumbs to open
said jars of peanutty goodness.
-You & Molly like this.

Gus: Um, no offense to all the grandmothers of the world,
but dog sweaters made of wool? Super-itchy.
-Winston & 7 others like this.

Beezuzu: I totally just sat on Stanley. Oops. Rofl.
-Stanley dislikes this.

Lexy: I think Mika is feeling ticklish today...let's find out!
-Molly likes this.

Scooby: wtf, guys. where's the food? srsly.
-You like this.
You: Aww...poor Scooby :(

Hoover: Cheeeeeese! New profile pic, lol.

Hugo has tagged You in a photo.
-Small Paws likes this.

Lincoln has tagged Ruby in a photo from album
"What's wrong with kids these days?"

Scruffles has tagged Stanley in a photo.
Scruffles has added photo to album
"What's wrong with kids these days, pt 2."

Hugo: Having a good chat with buddy Lincoln.
Molly: Hugo doesn't know it, but I'm totally going to steal his toy!!!!!
-Lincoln likes this.

Molly: I love you, Ruby! BFF!! I could stare at you forever!
Ruby has removed Molly from her friends list.
Andy: lmfao.

Small Paws has been tagged in a photo.
-You & 15 others like this.

Scooby, Andy, Hugo, Molly, Rocco, Beezuzu, & Stanley
all like the application, "Lunches."
-You & Small Paws like this.
You: So...does this mean they ate their lunches or what?
Way to be cryptic.
Small Paws: Yeah, sorry. I just, you know, got carried
away with the facebook theme. But yeah, everyone ate
their lunches.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ring Around The Rosie

Hey Hey it's Wednesday..!
What a nice sunny day ☼
So what do you say we see some Photo's : )

New Dog New Dog Read all about it..!
Her name is Rosie the Yorkie Poo and she's a little shy but getting
braver and braver by the Minute. I'm sure she's gonna
 make a hole ton of friends : )

Here's Tuka keeping a watchful Fatherly eye over all
pups in the pack... Good job Tuka..! 

Lincoln looks up to his LiL Bro Hoover..!
He obviously doesn't think he sucks..?

beds sure are Comfy :  )

Here's Andy and Hailey
"Giddiup Horsey"

Eva Umber Molly and Scruffles
"They call us the Fluff Brigade"

"Oh I'm just Ropeable"

Hi Bailey and Charlie
"Get it over with" : )

Class Photo
Show us your Smile : )


Hailey: All
Hugo: All
Molly: All
Ozzy: All
Ozzy: All
Rocco: Needs food
Max: All
Eva: All
Heidi: All
CharlieF: All
Charlie & Milo: All