Ah, social networking: the non-creepy way to delve into the lives of others.
After scoping out the dogbook pages of our canine clientele,
we stumbled upon some photos and status updates
that range from adorable to the outrageous.
Which reminds me: I think it's time to set my facebook settings to private ;)
Sheraz: Totally hating this gloomy weather!!!
Whatevs--just means more time for me to flip through my mags, lol.
-You, Small Paws, and 3 others like this.
Beezuzu: Zomg, new profile pic, every1!
First day @ Small Paws, too! :)
-Ruby likes this.
Andy: likes jars of peanut butter.
Lincoln: ...dislikes not having opposable thumbs to open
said jars of peanutty goodness.
-You & Molly like this.
Gus: Um, no offense to all the grandmothers of the world,
but dog sweaters made of wool? Super-itchy.
-Winston & 7 others like this.
Beezuzu: I totally just sat on Stanley. Oops. Rofl.
-Stanley dislikes this.
Lexy: I think Mika is feeling ticklish today...let's find out!
-Molly likes this.
Scooby: wtf, guys. where's the food? srsly.
-You like this.
You: Aww...poor Scooby :(
Hoover: Cheeeeeese! New profile pic, lol.
Hugo has tagged You in a photo.
-Small Paws likes this.
Lincoln has tagged Ruby in a photo from album
"What's wrong with kids these days?"
Scruffles has tagged Stanley in a photo.
Scruffles has added photo to album
"What's wrong with kids these days, pt 2."
Hugo: Having a good chat with buddy Lincoln.
Molly: Hugo doesn't know it, but I'm totally going to steal his toy!!!!!
-Lincoln likes this.
Molly: I love you, Ruby! BFF!! I could stare at you forever!
Ruby has removed Molly from her friends list.
Andy: lmfao.

Small Paws has been tagged in a photo.
-You & 15 others like this.
Scooby, Andy, Hugo, Molly, Rocco, Beezuzu, & Stanley
all like the application, "Lunches."
-You & Small Paws like this.
You: So...does this mean they ate their lunches or what?
Way to be cryptic.
Small Paws: Yeah, sorry. I just, you know, got carried
away with the facebook theme. But yeah, everyone ate
their lunches.