Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vancouver: Modest We Are Not.

...And why should we be? Your local Dog Blogger #2 had an epiphany regarding the sheer awesomeness of Vancouver, brought on by several events: (1) I had a Japadog. If you don't know what this is - you need to find out. If you do know what this is - I now absolutely refuse to go to any BBQ that doesn't have tobiko flakes on their frankfurters; (2) I heard about a study done by a think-tank that declared our city one of the best places to live; and (3) the Canucks punted the Sharks out of the playoffs (there was no other way, Jose). We are awesome. And at Small Paws, we are not without hometown pride - the dogs demonstrated the enviable traits of our oceanside metropolis for y'all. 
ps. Canucks will capture the Cup. You heard it here. 

We're beautiful. And soulful 
Have you seen some of our citizens? They are gorgeous, a la Rose. 

Our hair always looks this good. 
And let me tell you: that is no mean feat, considering the rain and humidity foisted upon us.

We're happy. 
There's nary a time when I don't see a big grin on someone's face. Granted, their tongues are usually hanging out, like Henry's, but smiles are always to be found in VanCity. 

We like to learn
There's a bevy of educational institutions to attend in Vancouver, and as Barney demonstrates, you can often just learn a lot from a good mentor, like Frodo. 

We're family-oriented. 
Whether you've got two dads, or a single mom, or it's just all about the sibling love (like Bella & Tina), we like to keep it close. 

We're hippies at heart
...and we've got the tousled shaggy 'dos to prove it. 

We believe in maxin' and relaxin'. 
...because there is nothing better than a power nap.

We're cute. 
(Honestly, I have nothing to say, because this pic speaks for itself. DAWSON, YOU ARE ADORABLE.)

We're green.
And not just the colour green - though we are fond of that colour, evidence by our selection in blanket shades, but we're pretty eco-friendly in the Pacific Northwest. 

We're romantic
Which may not seem true (*cough*, this is directed at you, Significant Other of Dog Blogger #2), but we often can't help whisper sweet nothings to each other. 

We like to play
And we do it well. 

We have Small Paws Doggie Daycare
...because not everyone can get a pack of dogs to do this. Seriously.

-Dog Blogger #2 out. 


Rose: All
Cody: Half
Yogi: All
Marley: All
Hugo: All
Dawson: All
Max: All
Chico: All
Barney: All
Rocco: All
Fergus: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

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