Thursday, May 26, 2011

And I quote: This is how we do it.

...So said Montell Jordan in his internationally-renowned hit of 1995, aptly titled "This Is How We Do It." Your ever-busy and socially enterprising Dog Blogger #2 has been brushing up on her mid-90s hip-hop/R&B as her appearance at a "90s Gangsta-themed BBQ" is required next month. And I was listening to the sage words of Montell Jordan, I thought: the world - my internet disciples and devotees - need to know how we do things at Small Paws (other than, well, very amazingly, because that's a given, really). Observe. Learn. Enjoy, my dears. 
ps. Seriously? Rain again?! Is SPRING CANCELLED THIS YEAR? Did I miss that memo? Yeesh. This weather is good for no one other than my fair-skinned ginger friend and mallards. 
-Dog Blogger #2 out

This? This is how you smile like a T-REX, son!

This? This is how you rest after playing your face off all morning. 

This? This is how you keeps it real.
...By wearing a Thug LIFE shirt. Obviously. 

This? This is how you make friends
...when you're just a wee little thing, clamber atop something and introduce yourself to the tall and towering beings in the world :)

This? This is how you lay claim to an entire bed for your own bad-ass self your inner linebacker. You go, girl. 

This? This is how you pick and choose your moments to enter the fray. watch from on-high. Like Mufasa surveying your kingdom. This is your Pride Rock :P

This? This is how you lounge. 
...naturally, in a plush, crimson shag, stretched out like beautiful beast you are :)

This? This is how you make Mico happy's really all about the right ear massage. 

This? This is how you stay warm with style, you have to co-ordinate with your smashing sis ;)

This? This is how you stay dry and elicit cuddle time from everyone you meet. 
...because what is cuter than this? For serious.

This? This is how you show yo' swagga after a day at the SPAW.
...chest out, head high. Boom. Done

This? This is how you know your doggie daycare is awesomesauce. 
...if they can't get thirty-something dogs to sit and stay for a photo, I wouldn't trust 'em. Just my own humble opinion. 

Lunch Time

Rose: All
Cody: Half
Yogi: All
Hugo: All
Vinny: All
Maddy: All
Max: All
Ace: All
Murfy: All
Ruby: All
MaltiMax: All
Sebastian: No
Chix: All
Heidi: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

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