Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our internet is down!

Sorry, no Dog Blog today (Tuesday) thanks to our Internet service provider... Our internet has been down all day, and now we are switching to a new provider.

We are writing this from home...

The Dog Blog will be back soon! Speak to Nigel for details.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Well it's back to the start of the week and
all the dogs are super happy cause they get to see all
their bestest pals (insert tail wag)

Arf Arf Arf
I'm Hazel the new Terrier puppy and I love
to pounce and play : ) Yippee 

Kaia gives us her
"I'm the cutest dog ever look"

Hi there Max, Rocco and Jasmine
"Now that's using your heads"

Henry really plays up to the camera..!
Work it baby : )

Yo Maggie
You so dreamy..!

Rose and Ruby
Awh nothing like a good snuggle
between friends ♥

Hi Sharik
Oooh so close, just a little more : )

Yogi loves a good
chair nap... Zzz

I'm so cute...
Snuggle up to me..!

LG and Spike are
the coolest : )

That's Mr Fiddi to you : )

Look out ladies the Codster is in the house : )

Zuzu, Hugo and Bruce
Awhh cute... Their holding hands : )

Class Photo Time
Cuddle up : )

Lunch report..?

Rose: All
Yogi: Most
Max: All
Rocco: All
Cody: Half
Hugo: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit www.SmallPaws.ca or call 778-370-0456.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Say hello to the Weekend...

Get down round and round it's Friday Boys and Girls..!
Bring on the weekend...
Bring on the smiles
Bring on the photo's

Hi Henry
You put your left paw in
Your left paw out
In Out
Shake it all about

Bella and Tina had an awesome time
sleeping over at Small Paws
Bye girls see you soon : )

She is the Bella of the (tennis) Ball
Bella was a very good girl for her slumber stay at Small Paws
See you soon Bella : )


Hi Ginny and Pilot
"I'll have a Ginny and tonic please"

Lick lick

Eeeekkk... Don't eat me..!

Ruby and Jasmine always have
each others back : )

Rocco and Eva
Romeo and Juliette

Mr Bentley you little
cutie pie : )
"Love Me"

Hi Cody, Chix and Max
My chair
No my chair
No No my chair

"This is my crate and if ya don't like
you can get the fur out"

Looks like Yogi's found himself
 a Picnic basket..!

Zuzu and Bobo wish everyone a
grrrowling grrreat weekend : )

Class Photo

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit www.SmallPaws.ca or call 778-370-0456.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

And I quote: This is how we do it.

...So said Montell Jordan in his internationally-renowned hit of 1995, aptly titled "This Is How We Do It." Your ever-busy and socially enterprising Dog Blogger #2 has been brushing up on her mid-90s hip-hop/R&B as her appearance at a "90s Gangsta-themed BBQ" is required next month. And I was listening to the sage words of Montell Jordan, I thought: the world - my internet disciples and devotees - need to know how we do things at Small Paws (other than, well, very amazingly, because that's a given, really). Observe. Learn. Enjoy, my dears. 
ps. Seriously? Rain again?! Is SPRING CANCELLED THIS YEAR? Did I miss that memo? Yeesh. This weather is good for no one other than my fair-skinned ginger friend and mallards. 
-Dog Blogger #2 out

This? This is how you smile like a T-REX, son!

This? This is how you rest after playing your face off all morning. 

This? This is how you keeps it real.
...By wearing a Thug LIFE shirt. Obviously. 

This? This is how you make friends
...when you're just a wee little thing, clamber atop something and introduce yourself to the tall and towering beings in the world :)

This? This is how you lay claim to an entire bed for your own bad-ass self
...channel your inner linebacker. You go, girl. 

This? This is how you pick and choose your moments to enter the fray.
...you watch from on-high. Like Mufasa surveying your kingdom. This is your Pride Rock :P

This? This is how you lounge. 
...naturally, in a plush, crimson shag, stretched out like beautiful beast you are :)

This? This is how you make Mico happy
...it's really all about the right ear massage. 

This? This is how you stay warm with style
...plus, you have to co-ordinate with your smashing sis ;)

This? This is how you stay dry and elicit cuddle time from everyone you meet. 
...because what is cuter than this? For serious.

This? This is how you show yo' swagga after a day at the SPAW.
...chest out, head high. Boom. Done

This? This is how you know your doggie daycare is awesomesauce. 
...if they can't get thirty-something dogs to sit and stay for a photo, I wouldn't trust 'em. Just my own humble opinion. 

Lunch Time

Rose: All
Cody: Half
Yogi: All
Hugo: All
Vinny: All
Maddy: All
Max: All
Ace: All
Murfy: All
Ruby: All
MaltiMax: All
Sebastian: No
Chix: All
Heidi: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit www.SmallPaws.ca or call 778-370-0456.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vancouver: Modest We Are Not.

...And why should we be? Your local Dog Blogger #2 had an epiphany regarding the sheer awesomeness of Vancouver, brought on by several events: (1) I had a Japadog. If you don't know what this is - you need to find out. If you do know what this is - I now absolutely refuse to go to any BBQ that doesn't have tobiko flakes on their frankfurters; (2) I heard about a study done by a think-tank that declared our city one of the best places to live; and (3) the Canucks punted the Sharks out of the playoffs (there was no other way, Jose). We are awesome. And at Small Paws, we are not without hometown pride - the dogs demonstrated the enviable traits of our oceanside metropolis for y'all. 
ps. Canucks will capture the Cup. You heard it here. 

We're beautiful. And soulful 
Have you seen some of our citizens? They are gorgeous, a la Rose. 

Our hair always looks this good. 
And let me tell you: that is no mean feat, considering the rain and humidity foisted upon us.

We're happy. 
There's nary a time when I don't see a big grin on someone's face. Granted, their tongues are usually hanging out, like Henry's, but smiles are always to be found in VanCity. 

We like to learn
There's a bevy of educational institutions to attend in Vancouver, and as Barney demonstrates, you can often just learn a lot from a good mentor, like Frodo. 

We're family-oriented. 
Whether you've got two dads, or a single mom, or it's just all about the sibling love (like Bella & Tina), we like to keep it close. 

We're hippies at heart
...and we've got the tousled shaggy 'dos to prove it. 

We believe in maxin' and relaxin'. 
...because there is nothing better than a power nap.

We're cute. 
(Honestly, I have nothing to say, because this pic speaks for itself. DAWSON, YOU ARE ADORABLE.)

We're green.
And not just the colour green - though we are fond of that colour, evidence by our selection in blanket shades, but we're pretty eco-friendly in the Pacific Northwest. 

We're romantic
Which may not seem true (*cough*, this is directed at you, Significant Other of Dog Blogger #2), but we often can't help whisper sweet nothings to each other. 

We like to play
And we do it well. 

We have Small Paws Doggie Daycare
...because not everyone can get a pack of dogs to do this. Seriously.

-Dog Blogger #2 out. 


Rose: All
Cody: Half
Yogi: All
Marley: All
Hugo: All
Dawson: All
Max: All
Chico: All
Barney: All
Rocco: All
Fergus: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit www.SmallPaws.ca or call 778-370-0456.