Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Dog Dictionary

Morning, Small Paws Devotees, Loafers at Work, and Idle Housewives/husbands! 'Tis I, your fearless dog blogger, with an educational treat today. Stop groaning, people: it's also entertaining. In fact, it's - dare I say it? - EDU-TAINMENT! That's right, I said it. What you're about to witness is on par with other edu-tainment  heavyweights, like Discovery Channel documentaries, CSI, and my favourite, Dora the Explorer (se habla espanol. Muchos gracias, Dora. Muchos. Gracias). 
I was thinking of doing a dictionary theme today. And not just any dog dictionary - an urban, up-to-date SLANG dictionary/phrasebook. Our dogs want YOU, socially-inept readers, to be on the D-L with the 411, y'know what I mean? Observe. Learn. Be edu-tained. 
Dog Blogger #2 out. 
(until next Wednesday, anyhow)

TRIPPIN': To be in a state of unusual fervor; to be perturbed. 
"Zazu be trippin' over the ball, yo: she can't take her mind off of it."

DOWN (verb, definition B): To be in a state of agreement or compliance. 
"Molly be down with chillin' in her polka dot bed, son: she don't wanna hang witchu now."

BUGGIN': Verb. To be highly aroused or agog. (See 'TRIPPIN')
"Molly be buggin' out over them rubber tires, yo."

LIKE A BOSS: a metaphorical phrase indicating a high level of flair or aptitude. 
"Gus not jus' be sittin' anywhere, son: he be sittin' up high above all them fools LIKE A BOSS."

WORD: Phrased a question. Used when one is confusion or disbelief.
"When we told Kaia that not ALL cats be crazy, she was like "Word?! For serious, yo?"

SWAGGA: Noun. To have stylish confidence; often manifested during walking. 
"Chix was overwhelmed by this Papillon's swagga; he had to lean back."

BUST A MOVE: To dance, often entailing a signature or specialty move. 
"The Puggle Posse cleared the dancefloor; they needed to bust a move."

Dog Blogger #2's note: Meh. I don't have a definition for this picture. 
But I think it's cool. And I wanted to post it. In fact, there you go--
the definition of COOL? This photo. 

CHILLIN': Verb. To repose in a state of deep relaxation. 
"Tuka? He be chillin' while you workin'."

FLOSSIN': Verb. To demonstrably display one's attributes (material or otherwise). 
"Chico know he be a fly mutha-shut-yo'-mouth; he flossin' his colours for y'all ladies."

Last, but not least: 
HIT ME BACK: To check in with another; to return or respond.
"Hit me back later - like coupla hours from now, if y'all wanna know what be up with them lunches."

Dog Blogger #2 outskies. 
Keeps it real.

Lunch Report:

Cody: Not today
Molly: All
Yogi: All
Rose: All
Scooby: All
Rocco: All
Gus: All
Chix: Not today
Max: All
Eva: All
Cheech: All
Charlie: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

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