Friday, January 29, 2010

YeeHoo Friday : )

Well it's the end of the week and I bet everyone's looking forward
to the weekend : ) Hurrah for days off...
Here's some photo's we took today. Enjoy..!
"Super Gus" to the rescue..!
Gus here ready to save the world...
Here's Heidi, Scruffles and Sasha...
Ok so all we need now are some cards..!
All in : ) ***
Here's Ozzy ready to launch off the chair..! Hope he has a Parachute...? *** Linus pops out of his cave just in time for a photo op..! *** Cuuuute : ) Chili and Jones giving us their best puppy dog eyes..! *** Spiker and LG..! Bro's till the end... "Look LG I can touch my nose with my tongue" *** Here's Boo playing Peek-A-Boo ; ) ** Best buds Taylor and Murfy..! Nice head tilt Taylor : ) *** Here's Mister and Rose practicing some new dance moves... Dancing with the Stars here we come... *** Awh Here's Lexy, Dawson and Mika all cozy and cuddled up..! "Bye Bye and have a great weekend" they say to everyone : ) *** Who wants Lunch??? Buttons: All Bella: All Gus: All Dawson: All Ozzy: All Rose: All Heidi: All Casper: All Jasper: All Taylor: All Boo: (

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