Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy B'day Sahsa

WoWzers what a nice sunny day..!
Here are today's pictures... Yippee
Today is Sasha's 2nd B'day..!
Yappy Barkday from everyone at Small Paws : )
The dogs love eating Liver cake Hmm
"Wow that taste's grrreat" Thinks Sasha as she licks her
chops in pure Bliss...
Here's Plaid on play Patrol eagerly awaiting for
Dog sniper's to spring out and play : )
Maggie, Rico and Marley in a cute Trio shot..!
They always say good things come in Three's : ) : ) : )
Here's Brina Lounging in the chair Darling's..!
Plaid and Hailey in a mouth off here..!
Hold it and let me get my tape to measure...
Here's Gus using Winston as head rest...
Looks comfy : ) and very cute..! ***
Here's a group shot of today's Puppies before they tuck into Sasha's B'day cake. YumYum..! *** * * * Feed Me Please ; ) * Gus "Cocker": All Rose: All Hailey: All Gus "Yorkie": All Bacon: : (

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