Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hump Day

Howdy from all the Pups and Humans at Small Paws. Hope we're all having a super day : )
Here's a bunch of Photo's we took..!
A big Woof and Hello to the newest addition of the Small Paws pack.
This is Bacon the Boglen Terrier! He's a having a wooftastic time meeting all his new friends..!
Here's Heidi and Sasha coming out of their secret hide out in the caves : )
Below is Rose having a little scratch...
A little to the left, up a bit, down some...
Arh that's the spot ***
Buddies Ozzy and Scruffles share a cozy place to relax... ***
Here's Plaid looking like he's having a great daydream...
Most likely of Cuddles, Bones and chasing Cats : ) ***
Below is Katie posing very nicely for the Puparazzi. How Lady like..!
Wherever there's a Rope toy you'll find Molly and Gus wrestling for it...
Game on ***
Elliot stops for slurp of H2O before getting back to chasing the ball : )
*** Hailey and Rose here in a getting ready to take over the World pose...! Mwaaahahaha *** Gus here almost past out after too much fun with the rope toys... Zzzzzzzz ***
Who ate today???
Buttons: All
Bella: A bit
Gus "Cocker": All
Molly: All
Ozzy: All
Mika: All
Scooby: All
Hailey: All
Rose: All
Gus "Yorkie": All
Bacon: Half
Heidi: All

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