Hurrah for Friday's..! I hope everyone enjoys their super sunny day..!
Here are today's pictures... WooHoo
Plaid running free a like a wild horse here... LoL
Whoa boy..! What a shot : )
Bentley takes a right paw to the nose..!
Hi Snuggles... We see you ; )

This is where the expression "Dog Pile" came from..!
Taylor, Bentley and Rose give us a demo...

Time Out! Time Out!
Daisy and Scruffles take a breather before getting back to their
dog wrestling game :)

Cute : )
Bentley and
Taylor Nose2Nose
I Love You Man..!

Boyz and their Toyz..!
Gus playing with the rope toy...

Ozzy with his pillow
Or is it
Rose with her blanket

"I better get a good treat after this"
Sasha and
Molly posing in a mug shot for the Pupparazzi..!

"All I need now is someone to fan me and hand feed me treats"
Taylor here taking advantage of the comfy facilities here at Small Paws..!

Luuuunch Tiiiime..!
Bentley: Ate most
Gus "Yorkie": All
Ozzy: All
Taylor: All
Rose: All
Daisy: All
Gus "Cocker": All
Molly: All
Heidi: All
Have a super weekend : )