Friday, January 29, 2010

YeeHoo Friday : )

Well it's the end of the week and I bet everyone's looking forward
to the weekend : ) Hurrah for days off...
Here's some photo's we took today. Enjoy..!
"Super Gus" to the rescue..!
Gus here ready to save the world...
Here's Heidi, Scruffles and Sasha...
Ok so all we need now are some cards..!
All in : ) ***
Here's Ozzy ready to launch off the chair..! Hope he has a Parachute...? *** Linus pops out of his cave just in time for a photo op..! *** Cuuuute : ) Chili and Jones giving us their best puppy dog eyes..! *** Spiker and LG..! Bro's till the end... "Look LG I can touch my nose with my tongue" *** Here's Boo playing Peek-A-Boo ; ) ** Best buds Taylor and Murfy..! Nice head tilt Taylor : ) *** Here's Mister and Rose practicing some new dance moves... Dancing with the Stars here we come... *** Awh Here's Lexy, Dawson and Mika all cozy and cuddled up..! "Bye Bye and have a great weekend" they say to everyone : ) *** Who wants Lunch??? Buttons: All Bella: All Gus: All Dawson: All Ozzy: All Rose: All Heidi: All Casper: All Jasper: All Taylor: All Boo: (

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Dog : )

Hi There Moms and Dads
Hope your having an awesome day.
We sure are. Here's some pics we took today..!
Introducing "Boo" the Pom
She's fitting right in with the pack and having lots of fun
getting to know all the new faces and smells...
Boo also likes to show off her dancing skills..!
Way to go Boo : )
Gus is looking very smart after a Spaw day yesterday..!
Down girls..!
"Look I ate all my Kibble! Nothing under my tongue" says Wolfie as Lola inspects to make sure Wolfie ate all his lunch like a good boy... *** "Lexi-saurus-rex" Lexy looking very huge in this photo..! I guess it's true when they say the camera adds 10 pounds... *** Here's Elliot looking very proud as he retrieves the Rope toy of coolness..! ***
Here's Charlie Friskie and Mr Linus posing for a
quick yap snap ; )
Rose and Plaid battle it out in the wrestling ring..!
Winston better watch for Rose's tail. It's like a weapon of mass destruction
when it gets going..!
"Corgi Power"
Here's Elliot and Brina who both are Corgi X's..!
"Bye Bye and have a wonderful day"
says Wolfie as he waves goodbye to everyone...
Lunch time : ) *
Buttons: All
Bella: All
Charlie Friskie: All
Gus "Yorkie": All
Wolfie: All
Lola: All
Rose: All

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grooming Day : )

Well it's the middle of the Week and what a great day..!
Here's some pictures to look at to make it that much better...
Drum Roll..................!
A big Small Paws welcome to"EJ" the YorkieXPoodle.
He's super friendly and loves to play with everyone...
Here's Mico and Bacon performing a balancing act on the chair for the audience...
Lucy the Min Pin navigates her way on the treacherous Ramp mountain..!
*** Here's Ozzy and Murfy. Ozzy is looking to take up a new career in Dog Massage..! LoL
This is Tuka giving the camera his best love me face... What a cute shot..!
Mufry tries to eat the ball...
Like many before him he will fail..!
Thank you indestructible balls. Mwhaaa...
Here's Coco poking her tongue out for the camera...
Cheeky girl..!
Here's Molly lining up for a 3 pointer..!
Look at that concentration : )
Charlie and Jones take 5..!
Maybe 10
More like 30
* Ding Ding
Charlie: All
Coco: All
Gus "Yorkie": All
Murfy: All
Ozzy: All
Molly: All
Rose: All (needs more food)
Scruffles: All
Bacon: All
Heidi: All
Remember Wednesday is Spaw day and you can get
Nails cut and Teeth brushed without a booking : )

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy B'day Sahsa

WoWzers what a nice sunny day..!
Here are today's pictures... Yippee
Today is Sasha's 2nd B'day..!
Yappy Barkday from everyone at Small Paws : )
The dogs love eating Liver cake Hmm
"Wow that taste's grrreat" Thinks Sasha as she licks her
chops in pure Bliss...
Here's Plaid on play Patrol eagerly awaiting for
Dog sniper's to spring out and play : )
Maggie, Rico and Marley in a cute Trio shot..!
They always say good things come in Three's : ) : ) : )
Here's Brina Lounging in the chair Darling's..!
Plaid and Hailey in a mouth off here..!
Hold it and let me get my tape to measure...
Here's Gus using Winston as head rest...
Looks comfy : ) and very cute..! ***
Here's a group shot of today's Puppies before they tuck into Sasha's B'day cake. YumYum..! *** * * * Feed Me Please ; ) * Gus "Cocker": All Rose: All Hailey: All Gus "Yorkie": All Bacon: : (

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday Monday Monday

Hi everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend..!
Here's some photo's we took today...
Hip Hip Hooray
Dawson turns One..!
Happy Barkday from everyone here at Small Paws : )
Here's Sheraz showing off her super cool new haircut...
You know it girrrlfriend..! ***
Here's Sasha playing with the blue ball.
Hmm tastes good..! Not
Rico and Plaid are good buddies,
here they are hanging out having a break..!
Awwh here's Ozzy giving Dawson a shoulder to lean on..!
What a nice guy : )
Group shot.........
What a good lookin bunch : )
Lunch Time....
Dawson: All
Dempster: All
Ozzy: All
Rose: All
Heidi: All
Kara: No

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dog Dayz Friday : )

Hurrah for Friday's..! I hope everyone enjoys their super sunny day..!
Here are today's pictures... WooHoo
Plaid running free a like a wild horse here... LoL
Whoa boy..! What a shot : )
Bentley takes a right paw to the nose..!
Hi Snuggles... We see you ; )
This is where the expression "Dog Pile" came from..!
Taylor, Bentley and Rose give us a demo...
Time Out! Time Out!
Daisy and Scruffles take a breather before getting back to their
dog wrestling game :) ***
Cute : ) Bentley and Taylor Nose2Nose I Love You Man..! *** Boyz and their Toyz..! Here's Gus playing with the rope toy... *** Here's Ozzy with his pillow Rose..! Or is it Rose with her blanket Ozzy??? *** "I better get a good treat after this" Gus, Sheraz, Sasha and Molly posing in a mug shot for the Pupparazzi..! *** "All I need now is someone to fan me and hand feed me treats" Taylor here taking advantage of the comfy facilities here at Small Paws..! *** Luuuunch Tiiiime..! Bentley: Ate most Gus "Yorkie": All Ozzy: All Taylor: All Rose: All Daisy: All Gus "Cocker": All Molly: All Heidi: All * * * Have a super weekend : )