Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fur-sday : )

Get down it's Thursday
Oh I meant the dogs... You guys can stay seated..!
What a lovely day to be alive, gotta love those sunny days : )
Let's keep them coming... Let's have a look what's been happening
in the Small Paws Den..?

Yipee New Dog
Say hi to Kita the Maltese Yorkie cross
She's enjoying meeting lot's of new Furry friends
and loves to cuddle : )

Hey Hey Don't forget about me..!
My name is Radley and I think Small
Paws is totally RAD

Ruby gets a leg up..!
Stroke me pleeze : )

Bruise wants to say woof (Hello)
to all the Moms and Dads out there : )
Hmmm sisters, brothers, grandma's, grands dads, friends,
cousins, post men..! Oh boy the list is too long...

Here's Vinny standing tall..!
I'm a dog and gosh darn I'm proud of it : )

Hi Kaia
Take note other dog's this is
how you look cute : )

Sniff Sniff
I can smell you...
Yes you at the key board..!

Where's Wally..?
Right there..!
That wasn't hard : )

Nice Halo
We always new you were an angel : )

Here's Yogi just chillaxing in his
fave chair..!

"Love me back"

Angus says bye everyone and
have a lovely day : ) Woof Woof

Lunch Report

Cody: All
Yogi: All
Wally: All
Kita: Not today (she did eat breaky though)
Rose: All
Vinny: All
Snoopy: All
Rocco: All
SmallCody: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

...It's All in the Details.

Who doesn't like pictures of puppies? Puppies playing, puppies snuggling, puppies frolicking to and's all very picturesque, isn't it? Very Disney, really. Well, today, the pics are going to be a little different. Don't panic - I don't have the dogs wearing leotards and doing abstract, post-modern poses - but it's a little focused today. The pics are honing on the what I utterly adore about each of these dogs. It's all in the details, after all.

Max and Maddie: Faces
...I don't even know what to say. I'm speechless. I love love LOVE their faces. Can we say Ewok?

Cody: Fur
Look at this hair. Jeez. Makes a raven-haired girl wish she had this goreous golden colour. Somebody get my stylist on the phone.

Frodo: Bite
This is so endearing. Oh, Frodo: you look like such a tough guy, but we know the truth (you big softie).

Molly: Furrow
That little furrow between her eyes? Means she's thinking.

Sophie: Shaggy paws
Nothing says Yeah-I'm-A-Vancouver-Dog-Who's-Just-Been-Romping-in-the-Rain than these paws.

Chix: Tail
Chix carries his tail with aplomb, people. He ROCKS it.

Katie: Ears
Oh-so-cute and so expressive.

Sam: Ears (again!)
Have you ever pet puggle ears? No? Well, then, sir, YOU HAVE NOT LIVED. Puggle ears? Super soft. 

Eva: Colours of Her Coat
Jackson Pollack, eat your heart out. You could not coordinate better spattering/speckling of greys, whites, and blacks. Our very own canine canvas.

Marley: Profile
I look at this and think: profile of a puppy. Cavies have the sweetest little puppy muzzles throughout their lives.

Angus: Fringe
Makes him look electric, if I do say so myself.

Class Photo!

Newest Addition to the Class:
Wee Tyson came for grooming and daycare today, and did a splendid job posing.

Lunch Time !!!

Cody: Half
Molly: All
Hugo: All
Rose: All
Max: All
Maddy: All
Sophie: Half
Tyson: Not today
Rocco: All
Eva: All
Heidi: All
Yogi: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another Terrific Tuesday!

It is all snuggles and fun here at
Small Paws today!
So many cute pups full of energy and good cheer!
Now all we need is some sunshine and it
can't get any better!

Angus & Rocco share some cuddle
time with a returning friend Scruffles.

Brr, Maggie you seem a little chilly.
Warm up time!

Brina has the right idea to keep warm,
just cuddle up with a little heater like Rose.

Kaia sure is enjoying that bed, just perfect!

Love me, if you dare!
Izzy is one cute pup!

Angus and Cody taking a break,
time to re-energize!

Wow Ace, that is some talent to
 be able to sleep while sitting up!

Rocco is ready to spend some
 time playing some basketball!

Mister is such a gentleman of leisure.

Vinny is always trying to push the
 boundaries of pooch high fashion!

Zuzu thought my joke was hilarious but
Winston seems to have missed the punch line.

Super Cody here to defend the damsels in distress,
Mika feels so much safer with him around!

Dempster & Scooby talk about how
hard it is to be so darn adorable.

'Hey hey you guys!
I found me a picnic basket, want to share?'
Oh Yogi, you rascal!

Class Photo!
Yay to the blog being back!

Lunch Report.

Cody: None today
Rose: All
Vinny: All
Rocco: All
Scruffles: All
SmallCody: All
Dempster: All
Yogi: All
Max: All


Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

Monday, March 28, 2011

It's just another Furry Monday

Alas the week has begun..!
And with the Blog back in full swing we have a
bunch of pics for your perusing pleasure so
sit back and check em on out : )

Rose is felling a little 
'Crabby' this morning... Hehe

Andy gives Cody a nice
back walk massage...
Oooh yer that's the spot : )

Who's got their hand in the
cookie jar Hmmmm...

Maddy and Max take the
Penthouse suite : )

Izzy cute or what : )

Marley looks like she been smoking
the ganja man..!

And it's a huge hit to the back field..!
Lucky Angus is poised and ready for the catch : )

Charlie you suck up : )
"What it's comfy and warm up here"

Let's hope the wind doesn't change
or you'll be stuck like that...

Ruby and Jasmine
I wonder what their gossiping about..?
Probably the latest collars and harnesses of course : )

Who's this lovely lady..?
It's Snuggles after her morning at the Spaw..!
Hot stuff : )

Yo Yo
It's a Pix of Chix

What a great bro..!
Fiddi shows Molly how
to pose for the Pupparazzi : )

Monday's Small Paws Class
Show us some teeth : )

Lunch Report..?

Rocco: All
Cody: All
Rose: All
Max: All
Maddy: All
Andy: All
Charlie: Half
Chix: All
Molly: All
Heidi: All
Nikko: All
Yogi: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.