Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Four Hundred and Ninety.

Four Hundred and Ninety. What is the significance behind this seemingly mundane number? It is not, as many of you might think, the amount of cupcakes I've eaten this year (the real figures are probably in the thousands, honestly). It's actually the amount of Small Paws dog blogs we've churned out over the years. 

FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY, PEOPLE. No small feat. And it's been quite a ride - a voyage, really. An electronic odyssey from which there is no return. And with all journeys, there are changes - shifts in direction. With the passage of time, and the advancements in social media, we at Small Paws are pleased to report that after we've cobbled together our five hundredth post, we will be transferring our daily doggie updates to our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Small-Paws-Doggie-Daycare/7533082970
which means there'll be more pics, more info, and more awesomeness crammed onto your browser. SWEET!

Anyhoo, your darling Dog Blogger #2 likes her themes, and her artistic, highbrow theme o' the day is: Dogs-With-Silly-Panda-Bear-Headbands-On-Much-To-Their-Chagrin. Enjoy!
-Dog Blogger #2 out.

This picture is full of win. 'Nuff said. 

Oh, Hoover: thou are so dear to me, particularly when you're rocking fuzzy headbands. 

After I announced that this picture was, indeed, going on the world wide web, Brina froze, and reconsidered her decision to model for me. 

Le sigh, thinks Cody. What is wrong with that towering Dog Blogger #2? Why does she insist upon such cutesy pictures of me? 
To which I, sadly, have no answer. 

I actually think these ears look feasible upon Max. I think we should seriously consider getting him a pair. Any thoughts? 

I know, I know: cute + cute ears = a little stomach-churning-adorable, right? It's ridic.

"After certain photos of Harriet appeared on several blogs, she was forced to resign her position as Queen Bad-Ass for revealing that terriers aren't always as tough as they seem."

*Author's note: So! It was Tyson's first foray into the world of multi-dog-socializing, and I must say, he rocked it. Just ROCKED it!*

So, no ears for Zuzu, 'cause she was already looking supa-fly with her BATMAN bandanna. I know. You're jealous. 

No ears for Furbert, either: he was living the high life whilst wearing some bling. Seriously. These dogs make me self conscious about my uncombed hair and mismatching socks. Y'all are stylin'. 



Cody: Half
Yogi: All
Pepper: All
Rose: All
Vinny: All
Zoey: All
Max: All
MiniCody: All
Tyson: All
Heidi: All
Rocco: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit www.SmallPaws.ca or call 778-370-0456.


Tricky said...

I count 28 pups today.

noor said...

ارخص شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة ارخص شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة