Monday, June 27, 2011

Come On Mr. Sun These Pups Need Some Great Weather!

Alright, so the sun is trying to peak through
those ugly grey clouds a bit, but these
dogs are ready for some fun no matter the weather!
And isn't some cold weather a nice excuse for
a warm cuddle anyways??

Welcome to the group Max!
Wow he works fast, already charmed Snuggles into
staying close for a cuddle.

Oh Cody, always ready to give your heart away!
No wonder all the gals love you!

'Maybe if I stretch myself out I can have
the super comfy pillow all to myself!'
Oh Rose you little bed hog you!

Kaia is so chill that she is just one of the guys now.
Marley, Hoover & Cody welcome her
into their club whole heartily.

'Ya I'm going for a walk soon, no big deal..'
Hugo playing his aloof card.

I think Zuzu is asking for a belly rub, any takers?

Put two Maxs' in the same room
 and they gravitate towards each other!

Such poise Snuggles!

Rocco & Ruby are getting the idea,
 hey guys can I join you for a nap?!

Well how can anyone say no to
 some ball when you look at them like that Chix?

Brooklyn & Kaia have such innocent
 expressions on, I wonder what
 mischief they are up to...

Yogi just gets so excited about being
 at day care, also I think someone
may have mentioned hot dogs...

Group Photo!!
Hey! You all look ready for a nap!

Lunch Report..?

Cody: Half
Hugo: All
Rose: All
Max: All
Rocco: All
Chix: All
Yogi: All
Milo: Nothing
Charlie: Nothing

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

1 comment:

noor said...

ارخص شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة ارخص شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة