Thursday, June 30, 2011


...which is an acronym that which you may be unfamiliar. It stands for: Thank God It's The Long Weekend Because, Seriously, I Need This. 
And by "this", your earnest Dog Blogger #2 means a steady succession of days unimpeded by the necessary evil of work. And I doubt there is nary a person alive who wouldn't toast to that (granted, it is a bit of a mouthful). 
Well, to the weekend, my lovelies!
-Dog Blogger #2 out. 
p.s. We are closed for the 

The two adorable things in this pic? A happy Westie pup, followed by my new red flats (Aldo - on sale!)

Lexy's most prominent talent - enveloping herself in blankets and snoozing. It's not an easy life. 

Yodeling? Yawning? Maybe she's simply exclaiming her delight at the holiday weekend. I'd like to think it's the latter. 

The masses follow their leader :)

Terrier Power!

Facts You Didn't Know (or Maybe You Did) About Canada: 
(1) Sir Wilfred Laurier's multiple terms as Prime Minister were fondly referred to as the "Golden Years of Laurier". 
(2) Bentley has a shirt for EVERY occasion :)

Two Lovelies Sitting Pretty

Patriotic Poses

Are you familiar with Smooth Fox Terriers? You should be. They are full of win. 


Check back for info on lunches!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Showers : (

Wet Wet Wet
Who turned on the sprinkler system..? D'oh
Oh Well inside it's dry and nice and cozy
and a great day for catching a glimpse of
what shenanigans these puppies get up too..?

New dog Alert
Howdy partners my name is Boss the Chihuahua X...
I'm not really that bossy but kool name huh : )

Yogi and Zoey
♥ Turn the cuteness up to the Max ♥

Max gives us a big Tongue
in cheek smile..!

Incoooooming treat..!
Target has been locked on captain : )

Kaia, Hugo and Maggie
get together for a big group hug... Awwh
Can you feel the love..!

Hello Darlings... I'm just waiting for
Spaw appointment : ) Have to look my best you know..!

Hoover licks his chops
with delight..!

I wish Small Paws would install an
elevator already : )

Woof Woof
Oliver and Ruby
XL and XS

To Infinity and Beyond

Ping... My what big ears you have..!
"Yer it's great, I can catch up on episodes of the
Dog Whisperer when I'm bored"

Rose and Eva
"Oooh that feels grrreat,
can I book another Massage appointment in
for next week"

Sam gives us a text book
downward dog : )

Who is that super hero..?
Any ideas Zuzu..?

The fantastic Four
Dapper, Pepper, Fergus and Chix

Class Photo Time
Smile for the camera : )


Yogi: All
Cody: Nothing
Hugo: All
Oliver: All
Ruby: All
Rocco: All
Pepper: All
Fergus: All
Chix: All
Eva: All
Molly: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Four Hundred and Ninety.

Four Hundred and Ninety. What is the significance behind this seemingly mundane number? It is not, as many of you might think, the amount of cupcakes I've eaten this year (the real figures are probably in the thousands, honestly). It's actually the amount of Small Paws dog blogs we've churned out over the years. 

FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY, PEOPLE. No small feat. And it's been quite a ride - a voyage, really. An electronic odyssey from which there is no return. And with all journeys, there are changes - shifts in direction. With the passage of time, and the advancements in social media, we at Small Paws are pleased to report that after we've cobbled together our five hundredth post, we will be transferring our daily doggie updates to our facebook page:
which means there'll be more pics, more info, and more awesomeness crammed onto your browser. SWEET!

Anyhoo, your darling Dog Blogger #2 likes her themes, and her artistic, highbrow theme o' the day is: Dogs-With-Silly-Panda-Bear-Headbands-On-Much-To-Their-Chagrin. Enjoy!
-Dog Blogger #2 out.

This picture is full of win. 'Nuff said. 

Oh, Hoover: thou are so dear to me, particularly when you're rocking fuzzy headbands. 

After I announced that this picture was, indeed, going on the world wide web, Brina froze, and reconsidered her decision to model for me. 

Le sigh, thinks Cody. What is wrong with that towering Dog Blogger #2? Why does she insist upon such cutesy pictures of me? 
To which I, sadly, have no answer. 

I actually think these ears look feasible upon Max. I think we should seriously consider getting him a pair. Any thoughts? 

I know, I know: cute + cute ears = a little stomach-churning-adorable, right? It's ridic.

"After certain photos of Harriet appeared on several blogs, she was forced to resign her position as Queen Bad-Ass for revealing that terriers aren't always as tough as they seem."

*Author's note: So! It was Tyson's first foray into the world of multi-dog-socializing, and I must say, he rocked it. Just ROCKED it!*

So, no ears for Zuzu, 'cause she was already looking supa-fly with her BATMAN bandanna. I know. You're jealous. 

No ears for Furbert, either: he was living the high life whilst wearing some bling. Seriously. These dogs make me self conscious about my uncombed hair and mismatching socks. Y'all are stylin'. 



Cody: Half
Yogi: All
Pepper: All
Rose: All
Vinny: All
Zoey: All
Max: All
MiniCody: All
Tyson: All
Heidi: All
Rocco: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Come On Mr. Sun These Pups Need Some Great Weather!

Alright, so the sun is trying to peak through
those ugly grey clouds a bit, but these
dogs are ready for some fun no matter the weather!
And isn't some cold weather a nice excuse for
a warm cuddle anyways??

Welcome to the group Max!
Wow he works fast, already charmed Snuggles into
staying close for a cuddle.

Oh Cody, always ready to give your heart away!
No wonder all the gals love you!

'Maybe if I stretch myself out I can have
the super comfy pillow all to myself!'
Oh Rose you little bed hog you!

Kaia is so chill that she is just one of the guys now.
Marley, Hoover & Cody welcome her
into their club whole heartily.

'Ya I'm going for a walk soon, no big deal..'
Hugo playing his aloof card.

I think Zuzu is asking for a belly rub, any takers?

Put two Maxs' in the same room
 and they gravitate towards each other!

Such poise Snuggles!

Rocco & Ruby are getting the idea,
 hey guys can I join you for a nap?!

Well how can anyone say no to
 some ball when you look at them like that Chix?

Brooklyn & Kaia have such innocent
 expressions on, I wonder what
 mischief they are up to...

Yogi just gets so excited about being
 at day care, also I think someone
may have mentioned hot dogs...

Group Photo!!
Hey! You all look ready for a nap!

Lunch Report..?

Cody: Half
Hugo: All
Rose: All
Max: All
Rocco: All
Chix: All
Yogi: All
Milo: Nothing
Charlie: Nothing

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.