Monday, June 21, 2010

Firt Day of Summer

Summer Summer
Ra Ra Ra
WooHoo Summer is finally here..! It's also the Longest day of the year.
Fingers crossed it actually gets warm soon : )
Check out our Pupparzzi's pics : )

Sound the Air Raid Sirens
Cute Alert Cute Alert
Here's Bentely and Mika peering through the Chair

So Sophisticated
All he needs is a Cigar and Smoking Jacket

Looks like Bella, Rupert and Talula have
found some Prime Real Estate : )

Here's Buttons sporting a new Hair Doo
Hot Hot Hot
Look out Boys and Girls

You thought we were lying when we said we did Sun Dances..?
Here's Rocco giving us a first hand Demo
of the Small Paws Sun Dance. As you can see by Rocco's Tongue
it takes great concentration...

Poor Max..!
Looks like he's about to be licked to Death  by Ozzy and Rose...
"Eeek Take Cover"

Yo Bro's
Lincoln and Hoover Pose for the Camera
They definitely don't suck..?

Here's Super Cute Dawson
Getting into the world cup spirit : )

Hey Bruce
How'd you get all the way up there..?

Monday Fundays Class Photo : )

Lunch Time

Buttons: All
Bella: All
Rupert: All
Talula: All
Dawson: all
Max: All
Ozzy: all
Molly: All
Rose: All
Heidi: All
Nikko: All

Note: Remember the Dog Dentist will be in this Friday so book in ASAP

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