Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hump Day : )

Hump Day is here... Hurrah
 Which also means Spaw Day for a lucky few..!
That means Relaxing in a nice bath and then some TLC and
Pamperering whilst getting a new Hair Doo: )
The rest get to play to their Hearts content... It's a Win win... Yahoo...
Check out some of the photo's we took

What are you looking at..?
Lexy Mika Rico Maggie Tuka

Teddy puts his best Paw forward : )

Just for The 'H'-Elliot

Here's Heidi and Maggie
"Lean on me, When your not strong... I'll be your Friend"
Awhh That's Nice : )

Rose you Smell Good..!

"I'm telling you this Lady Bug outfit is going to be all the rage soon"..!
Let's hope that dream doesn't get squashed" : )

Tuka and Rico
A Pawfect Pair

Here's Rocco giving us his Trademark Smile : )


Shake it like a Polaroid
"Class Photo"

Lunch Tiiiiime

Rico: All
Mika: Half
Dempster: All
Max: All
Rose: All
Heidi: All


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