Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spaw Day..!

Well it's Hump day today which also means Spaw Day
for a few lucky pampered pooches..!
Here's some photo's we took which will hopefully make you smile : )
Rico and Dempster
Hi Mom's and Dad's..!
We Love You : )
Lick Lick
Max on a Mission..!
Come Play Come Play
Here's Hailey and Ozzy getting Cozy..!
Looks like Ozzy knows he's about to get a photo treat! Lick Lick
Here's Maggie playing with the Bamboo toy
which apparently also doubles as a head rest..!
Body Slam..! Max and Max duking it out in a wrestle match : ) Place your bets *** Round Two..! Max takes on the Heavy Weight "Hailey" : ) *** Here's Olive and Bella..! Chihuahua's Rule XoX *** Here's Rose and Max..! Max is Happy cause he doesn't have to wear his Cone of Shame today ; ) *** We're sooo Coool...... Sasha, Tuka and Mico hanging out at the Small Paws Benches *** Here's Daisy feeling a little Lazy after a big morning of frolic and fun...... Zzz Bye Bye *** * Lunch Time..! * Gus" Cocker": All Olive: All Rupert: Some Talula: Some Hailey: All Max"Black": Half Dempster: Half Daisy: All Rose: All Max"Cav": Treats Gus"Yorkie": All Heidi: All Ava: Not Today Please Note: New price lists are now available at the Shop

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie says she just LOVES Small Paws. She has so many friends & always comes home totally played out. What a great place.