Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Little Dogs With Big Hearts : )

Hello Parents... Hope you are having a super day..!
Here's the best photo's we took : )
Anyone got a light..!
Here's Elliot pretending the new Bamboo toy is a cigar..!
You should really quit Elliot LoL
Here's Brina doing a lap around the Daycare..!
"Everything seems to be in order here"
Papillon Power..!
This is Bobo and Sasha hanging out ...
Cute : )
To Pass you must answer this Riddle..!
"How does a dog stop a DVD player??"
See below ***
He Presses the Paws Buttons
You may Pass
Ding Ding Ding
Here's Plaid and Bobo in a
lick off wrestle : )
Ok Ok Ok I'm only doing this for a treat..! It better be the good kind too... You can have two treats Bacon for being such a good boy : ) *** Here's Gus with the new Rope Toy which I'm sure will be a big hit..! *** "My Nose is cold" Rose wiggles her nose into Winston's warm armpit..! Lucky dogs don't get under arm smell??? *** * Lunch Time Yum Yum * Buttons: All Bella: All Rose: All Bobo: All Gus: All Bacon: All

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