A couple of great profile pix today... check out the first pic of Heidi (shnauzer-poodle), grinning away! And then Bechler (Boston Terrier), in a pensive pose.
* Pictured left: Henna tilting her head, Dempster in the background.
What a gorgeous day out there! Perfect dog-walking weather. All the dogs have been out for their morning walks, lunches are fed, and we'll take them out again shortly.
* Pictured left: Dempster with the rope toy.
* Heidi and Bechler have been inseparable. Also in their play-pack are Pepe (Havanese), Dempster (American cocker spaniel) Jasper & Casper (Coton), Spike & LG,
and Henna (Boston Terrier). Vroom, vroom! This is quite the fun-loving pack.
* Pepe is missing his mom, who's out of town, but has been keeping himself busy by wrestling and chasing Heidi around. :-)
* Jones's (pictured left) best buds today have been the other little white dogs, Jasper, Casper (pictured below left) and Bobo. Game on!
* Spike & LG had baths today and are smelling mighty fine...
* Buttons (cockapoo) is so good at posing in the group photos now. Today on her walk, Henna was trying to get her to play with her. Sheraz (miniature shnauzer) really enjoyed her walk, too. She's sitting in the middle of today's group pic, wedged in between Henna and LG.
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