Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Huummmmmp Day!

Thank you (insert name of your preferred deity - be it religious or scientific!) for Wednesdays - we are but two days away from the glorious weekend. And for any interested Vancouverites, there are a few festivals going on this weekend, which does include a fantastic one in Stanley Park with free concerts and the ilk. 

Today is blog #495, I believe...five more to go 'til we transition to facebook! :)
-Dog Blogger #2 out. 

Ruby, m'dear: you're supposed to IN the chair; not next to it ;)

Ruby informs Zuzu that it's a Doxie-only party. Ouch.

Katie - you are big and bee-you-ti-ful!

I love this shirt. Kaia - you have fantabulous style, darlin'. 

Maggie keeps it cool and on the down-lo.

Zuzu LOVES backscratches (think right between the shoulder blades)!

Mr B *RAN* to greet Chix - soooooo cute. 

...and so did Katie. Chix likes the big ladies, I suppose ;)

Yes, Bruce did carry that ball with him EVERYWHERE today. 

Class Photo, y'all. 

Check back for info on lunches!

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