Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Definitely A Little Chilly Outside!

Drip drip drop little March time shower.
Yes, it's raining again and our dogs have had enough.
The one request this year is no more rain!
Well we do live in Vancouver, so
at least a bit more sunshine please?

I smell a Birthday in the air!
Zipper & Muggles celebrate their special day in style.
Of course Sprockette & Peanut are there to party too!

Oh Vinny wants to hang out in style too!
Nice rain coat dude!

Snuggles is taking a stand against this dreary
weather. Enough is enough!
Walks are at stake!

This is Katie's way of asking you to please cuddle.
And who could say no to that?

Marley & Rose are just plum tuckered out!

Well sadly folks our camera is pooped
 too and needs a little sick leave.
And all our pups can say is
'Get well soon!'

Lunch Report..!

Cody: All
Yogi: All
Angus Breaky: All
Vinny: All
Rose: All
Rocco: All
Max: All
Hugo: All
Chix: All

Small Paws Doggie Daycare and Grooming is at 491 Sperling Ave in Burnaby (Metro Vancouver), at the corner of Hastings St. For more info, visit or call 778-370-0456.

1 comment:

Yoshi said...

I would love to work at a doggie daycare! I've always wanted a dog since I was young and didnt get one until my brother forced one home! :P Our boy's called Yoshi, come visit sometime! You've got to meet him to truly LOVE him. In the meantime, we've made a blog about him(Yoshi) with pictures and videos. If interested come say hello! :) Cheers!