Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Honest to Blog: We're Back (and Better than Ever)!

Author's Note: We're baaaack! And, as the title says, we are better than ever. Armed with 14 megapixels for your viewing pleasure, the pics below are simply smashing (if I do say so myself). Enjoy!

So, my faithful netizen followers, I've noticed that it's (painfully, horribly, wretchedly?) colder/wetter than my last blog posting. I can't stress the importance of staying warm and dry during this weather. After tromping home in ballerina flats during a downpour, I now have shoes that smell worse than mildew-y, wet towels. That were kept in a sealed garbage bag. In the back of a Chevy. That was sitting in the sun. For days. Trust me. You don't want to know that's like. 

Follow Ozzy's example, and stay snug (and cute) as a bug. 

Use an umbrella!
...Even it's slightly bent and in a cliched black colour (I have two). 
Bonnie & Mika demonstrate the how to use an umbrella effectively: simply stand underneath it. Voila!

Dress for success! staying warm--and in this weather, we're talking fleeces and wool.
Rose and Rico know what I'm talkin' about.
ps. Next Top Models? You WISH you could look this good ;)

Befriend Dogs Who Like to Share Their Cushy Beds!
...or you'll be on the outside, looking in, like poor Bonnie. 
(S'okay, I shared a treat with Bonnie later :)

And while that covers my tips and tricks for today, I've still wanted to post some fantabulous (no, it's not a real word) pics of the puppies.

...And that's why genetic engineering is a no-no.
Molly O and Olive investigate a seemingly-half-cow-half-pony addition to the class. 

Speaking of Faux-Ponies...
Max convinces Katie to play "Horsies", much to Katie's reluctance.

 What Can I Say?
...The dogs look up to me (hardy har har). 
(Bonnie and Chico make me promise to never use their images in a pun-based blog post again)

If the Eyes are a Window to the Soul...
...than Tess' soul is big, brown, and irresistibly cute. 
(I'm serious. After taking this picture, I promptly picked her up and kissed her between the eyes. Who can resist?)

 The Only Being Who's Never Had a Bad Hair Day: definitely Zoey. The colour? The shine and gloss? I sent this to my hairdresser, and even HE was jealous. 

And Last But Not Least--'s a giant grin, courtesy of Sam, to tide you through the day (and the two days left in the week).
Cheers, m'dears. 

All Together Now: 

Looking for lunch info? Look no further (well, a little bit further):

Mika: All
Rose: All
Molly: All
Max: All
Rocco: All
Bonnie: All
Chico: All
Zoe: All
Michi: All
Tess: All
Heidi: All
Cody: All
Furbert: All

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