Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's Thursday Already : )

Crikey it's Thursday already..!
 That means it's one day closer to the Best weekend ever : )
So there's been lots of action this morning and we've been busy Bee's
taking lots ofphoto's so lets check em out..!

Lexy's found something..?
"I'll squish you like a Bug...
or just play with you till i get bored"
(No bugs where harmed in the making of this photo)

Here's Andy saying hi to his pal Max...
I Nose we're gonna be good friends : )

Leave me be I'm plotting a
plan to take over the world Mwhaha

 No one can see me with my sweet
Invisibility cloak : )
"Has anyone seen Rose"..?

Lexy and Katie
"Get down and give me 20"
Sir Yes Sir

Slurp Slurp
Burp Burp
Mika's Thirsty

Puggle Pow Pow Power
With our powers combined we are.....?
(insert super hero voice)
Two cute Pugglessssssss

Boing Boing Boing
Elliot springs to it : )

Here's Maggie blowing a Raspberry at you : )
"Don't spray the camera"

Growl Growl Growl
Lick Lick Lick
Cuddle Cuddle Cuddle
Kiss Kiss Kiss
Yer you guys aren't that ferocious : )

Rocco and Brewster say hi Eva : )

Class of Thursday July 22nd

Yum Yum Who's Hungry..?

Andy: All
Max: All
Rose: Needs Food
Ozzy: All
Rocco: All

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