Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Top Dog Tuesday

Hello Moms and Dads : )
The Week is well under way now
Here are the best pics we took today..!
Here's Rico looking like he's hatching some sort of
diabolical plan to take over the world Mwha..!
Max and Brina
"When I was a young Whipper Snapper like you I had to walk
Miles and Miles just to get to daycare"
Here's Spike the new guy..!
He's doing great and has LOTS of new pals : )
"Ridiculously Good Looking"
Here's Puppa Gus with his little
Sprogletts Ozzy and Rose : )
*** Buttons and Bella "I love my Sister"
***Here's Winston just hanging around..! Looking very relaxed : )
*** Snuggles and Mollie have become good Puppy Pals.
They like hanging out together and Snugglesing : )
Plaid and Spike have been on the go all morning. Their fave game
is Chomp and Chase : ) Grrr
Who' Hungry???
Buttons: All
Bella: All
Gus: All
Ozzy: All
Rose: All
Max: All
Danger: Not today
Have a super day  : )

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