Hooray for Fun
Hooray for Small Paws..!
We hope everyone is having an awesome day ; )
Check out these pics we took...
Here's Rose all warm and tucked in..!
"Can you read me a story"???
"Will you be my best friend"Spike loves hanging out with Maggie : )
DangerLickity Split
O boy O boy!!! Here comes a treat
Play with Me... Play with Me...Here's Hailey trying to get Mika to play..!
Here's Elliot in a unfamiliar pose..! : )***
Snuggles and Max are team "Super Awesome"...***
Hi Spike
Woof Woof Howl
"Dog for Small Paws Rulez"
Hailey finds a good play Buddy..! Plaid
Here they are giving each other a Hi 5 : )
Dempster has the right idea here..!
Arhh a Dog's life : )
Lunch Time
Spike: All
Hailey: All
Dempster: All
Max: All
Rose: All
Danger: All
Please Note: Just a reminder that their will be some price changes April 1st