Friday, December 11, 2009

"Drum Roll Pleeze"

Here is the newest addition to the Small Paws Pack..! Darla the Shih Tzu
Above: Smile for the camera. Here's Bentley with a cheeky little grin on his face
Below: Here we have Murfy trying his best to stop the squeaky ball from squeaking..!
RIP poor red ball
Below: Buds till the end... Ozzy and Gus
Below: Here's Rose in a rare pose. Still..! This doesn't happen too often : )
Above: Spike and LG have stolen Nigel and Pat's chair. They look very comfortable..! Below: Here's Jude and Hailey with Puggle Power foreva...
Below: Gus and Murfy. Looks like Murfy thinks the rope toy is going to be tasty treat...
Below: Friends stick together. Here's Mika and Dawson snuggling in the pink bed : )
Below: After a hard day of play Bentley slurps some refreshing water from the yellow bowl..!
Did your Pup Eat???
Buttons: All
Bella: All
Gus: All
Dawson: All
Ozzy: Ate most
Darla: No
Hailey: All
Bobo: All
Molly: All

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