Meet Murfy!
Murfy is a 1 year old Boston Terrier
He loves to play fetch and is playing with everyone.
Taylor, Gus, Fiddi, and Heidi are especially fond of him.
Luckily, Fetch is one of our favorite games here at Small Paws
We have a lot of energy here lately. There have been so many new puppies coming in that they have really energized some of our regular pups.
<---Here is Fiddi, Murfy, and Taylor
Taylor is very happy go lucky, he loves to play with every new puppy .
Jones and Fiddi have been playing chase all morning.
Jackie has been wrestling and playing with Gus.
Molly and Dawson are like 2 peas in a pod--->
They love to wrestle and are always willing to invite someone to join them
Charlie has been busy all morning playing with Dawson and Lola.
Taylor loved giving kisses to Tuka.
Dempster is looking sharp in his Seattle Mariners t-shirt today.
Did your pup eat their lunch?
Buttons ate all
Charlie ate all
Gus ate all
Dawson ate all
Molly ate all
Murfy enjoyed his treats
Jackie ate all
Dempster ate all
Taylor ate all
Heidi ate all
Fiddi ate all
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