Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aug. 26: Spaw Day!

Sorry, no pix again today... our camera has officially packed it in. We'll be buying a new one later this week, hopefully, in time for Winston's birthday paw-ty on Friday. But just so this blog isn't totally picture-less, I have uploaded an archive photo of Spike and LG in the blue tunnel. It's a good one! So we have 26 dogs here on the 26th of August. That must be good luck? The morning walks are done, Pat is feeding lunches, and as you can imagine, it's been a madhouse of morning activity. * We've got one play-pack rolling around, including Molly (Min Pin cross), Ozzy (Min Pin), Jude (puggle), Chico (chi) and Heidi (shnoodle). At the moment, Jude has a good tug-of-war game going with Rico (pug-cross). * Speaking of tug of war, LG had stiff competition earlier from Theodore (Yorkie). Little Teddy loves his toys and wasn't going to give up. LOL. LG and brother Spike have been chasing Jude and Heidi around, but LG had a time out today for snapping at Rico. Just like kids! * The chihuahuas have been frolicking, too: Mika, Chico and Umber doing this adorable tail-wag and prance dance at each other. Jones (Bischon) likes playing with these pups, too. * Chico is Mr. Playful, also running around with Dempster, Charlie (Bently) and Bently. * Umber also likes wrestling with Katie (sheltie) and Bently (Yorkie) and Chico. At one point, Katie, Jones, Umber and Charlie were all wrestling together in one big ball! Dempster (American cocker spaniel puppy) looooves playing with Chico too. Dempster is getting his hair cut in the Spaw today! * Rico (pug cross) looooves Sofie (Yorkie) and Jones and Jude. * Maggie (Cairns Terrier) has been going at it with Molly, doing her rolling around on the ground/breakdancing manoevres. * Lola (cockapoo) has been playing with her buddy Pepe (Havanese). She's was also in the Spaw this morning, getting her bath. Hair cut/tidy to come... * In the laidback pack, we have: Spike (shih tzu), Diamond (Papillon), Buttons (who was sharing her bed with Maggie and then Diamond), and Mico, who was a little angel for her grooming earlier. Also in this pack: Tuka and Snoopy, who enjoy mingling with the pack and observing the show. * Sebastian loooves playing with Charlie (shih tzu) and Bently. Did your dog eat? * Buttons ate all. * Molly ate breakfast. * Sofie wasn't hungry for brekky. * Ozzy ate half his kibble for lunch. * Dempster ate most of his lunch. * Chico ate a little lunch. * Heidi ate all. * Sebastian wasn't hungry. * Theodore ate lots for lunch.

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